Thursday, June 16, 2005

Clinton wins meaningless S.C. straw poll, starts picking curtains for Oval Office

The author of the article seems to view it as a surprise that Hillary Clinton won a South Carolina straw poll for the Democratic nomination in 2008. It shouldn't be. Hillary has by far the greatest name recognition among the current "potential" candidates, and certainly the longest history with straw poll voters. Anyway, Howard Dean can tell you all about the importance of leading in early polling (sometime after he finishes insulting the intelligence of half the voting population).

There were a couple of other interesting bits in the article. One straw poll voter said that once Hillary "stops playing ‘centrist’ and becomes the leader she is capable of being, she will be the first woman president in U.S history." This is emblematic of a common delusion among the activist wing of the Party: that being really liberal will help a Democrat get elected President. That will play well in the southern and midwestern states that we need to win in 2008 to have a hope of reaching 270 electoral votes. I'm sure Louisiana and Ohio voters were saying to themselves in 2004, "If only Kerry was more liberal, I'd vote for him, but he's not, so I'll vote for George Bush instead." Right. Hillary's moves to center in recent years have given me a little hope that she could actually be elected, but abandoning this course would doom even that slim chance. Nominating a Northeastern Democrat would be a foolish move; nominating a liberal Northeastern Democrat would be an unmitigated disaster.

Also, the author got the name of my guy in the race, Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, wrong, calling him "John Warner," who is of course the respected Republican Senator from Virginia. A common mistake, but still discouraging. Gov. Warner really needs to increase his name recognition, and paint himself as the true successor to Bill Clinton: a moderate Southern governor who could actually win the election, instead of simply making liberal elites feel good about their choice of candidate. Nonetheless, I still hold out hope for my dream ticket, Warner/Landrieu 2008.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A little vindication for death with dignity

We can finally put to rest some of the ridiculous charges made by the religious right in the Terri Schiavo case. The autopsy of Schiavo's body confirmed what the husband and every doctor who ever examined her had been stating for years: that she was in a persistent vegetative state with no hope of recovery. Her brain had shrunk to half of its normal size, and she would not have been capable of eating or drinking without the feeding tube.

Thus, the whole situation was much ado about nothing - she was already, for all intents and purposes, dead for years - the parents simply wouldn't let her body finish the natural dying process. Still, I'm eager to see how the Republicans and the religious right try to spin this autopsy report. I'm sure they'll claim that something in the report justifies their prior actions - hell will freeze over before they admit that their accusations against Michael Schiavo were wrong.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Lock up your little boys...

Just goes to show that it's just about impossible to convict a celebrity. With the allegations of publicity-seeking and golddigging that are raised against any accuser and his/her family, there is always room to doubt the charges' credibility, which inevitably creates reasonable doubt. It's truly a shame that there are two systems of justice in this country - one for celebrities and one for everyone else.

Michael's career is over, though, despite the pockets of fanatics still out there. Unfortunately, there will always be parents desperate enough for money and attention who will prostitute their young boys to Michael to get what they desire. In a few years, we'll hear more rumors - pedophiles rarely reform, and now Jacko will feel invincible. Another costly trial is unlikely, though, unless the prosecutors get an actual viedo tape of the molestation.

Jackson's legacy will be four classic albums, and creepiness beyond anything seen before.

Poll: USA is losing patience on Iraq - Yahoo! News

The most interesting thing about this story on the latest poll on the Iraq war is its comparison to public opinion on the Korean and Vietnam wars. Public opinion slips after two years, which is how long this war has dragged on. It has become apparent that there is no endgame here, just a hope and a prayer that the terrorists stop shooting at our troops long enough for the Administration to say "see, we brought peace to Iraq," and get the heck out of there. I wouldn't hold my breath on that, though.

When you're in a hole - stop digging! It's time to bring our troops home.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Hope for the future

Glad to see a Democrat actually gets it, and is willing to offer solutions instead of simply demonizing the Republicans and opposing any and all changes to sacred cow programs. Warner is one of my favorites for '08, along with Evan Bayh.

Virginia Gov. Warner: Democrats Need to Attract Moderates

Thursday, June 09, 2005

And he's great with kids, too...

Comics and Editorial Cartoons: Non Sequitur 6/9/05

Yes, this comic cover is for real

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

...but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Americans are finally shoving the lie that the Iraq war was about "terrorism" back in Bush's face. Our long term security depends upon finding alternative fuel sources, not upon trying to kill as many terrorists/insurgents as we can find. They're like cockroaches: kill one, and fifty more are behind the wall. You have to kill their food supply to win, which in this case is resentment towards the U.S. for providing money to governments they believe are illegitimate through the oil trade.

Poll Finds Dimmer View of Iraq War - Yahoo! News

In related news, Revlon stock rises dramatically

Proof positive that any publicity is good publicity. The Kato Kaelin of politics continues her ascent up the political ladder, proving once again that competence has nothing on free TV time.

Katherine Harris to Run for Senate in 2006 - Yahoo! News

Breaking news: Pope is Catholic

I'm shocked: growing up near where pesticides are used leads to increased exposure to pesticides! I never would have guessed.

What exactly does the NRDC expect the EPA to do? Post warning labels on farm buildings? Issue regulations prohibiting farmworkers from having kids?

EPA Sued Over Pesticides' Effects on Kids - Yahoo! News

You really love me!

Wow, I actually have some comments (even though most of them disagree with me). I never thought anyone would actually read this - at least not before I started telling family and friends about it. Whew, now I actually have to be interesting, so I'll try not to disappoint.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I'll second that.

Either charge the prisoners with a crime, turn them over to authorities in their own countries, or let them go. If we don't hold ourselves, as a nation, to a higher standard of justice and human rights, why should we expect anyone else to do so?
Carter Calls on U.S. to Shut Down Gitmo - Yahoo! News

"Chain saw? That's OK, so long as you're not a ninety year old man with a pocket knife..."

The only thing weirder than this story is the guy's picture. We're taught not to judge people by their appearances, but jeez, this is one odd-looking dude.

Man With Chain Saw Allowed to Enter U.S. - Yahoo! News

Monday, June 06, 2005

Social advancement through reading

I love Tibor Machan's columns, they are always insightful and thought-provoking. This week, he takes on criticisms of Bill Cosby for daring to suggest that urban minorities should take some responsibility for improving their situation. As Bill Clinton repeatedly said, we need to get away from the "a program for every problem" mentality.

The black poor can help themselves

Saving the world from the menace of AIDS patients smoking pot

I won't argue with the legal merits of the Supreme Court's decision - it is quite likely that the supremacy clause of the Constitution trumps state authority in this situation. Still, why does the federal government bother with this? Are AIDS patients and cancer patients who smoke pot such major threats to the well-being of society that we need to be able to prosecute them for trying to feel a little better? Busybodies of the world, rejoice!

Court Rules Against Pot for Sick People - Yahoo! News

Sunday, June 05, 2005

A good example for the California state legislature

Some Democrats are actually willing to stand up to public employee unions. Gov. Codey should serve as an example to Democrats in my own state.

Codey Cements Legacy As Acting N.J. Gov. - Yahoo! News

Kissing up to the religious right...

Well, Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn't even keeping up a pretense of keeping church and state separate. That he is signing an anti-abortion bill and giving his approval to an anti-gay marriage amendment is unfortunate, but unsurprising. This, though, is going too far. One small step closer to evangelical theocracy...

Texas Gov. Signs Bill at Church School - Yahoo! News

Well, I feel safer now...

Someone want to explain to me why we're wasting time and money on vice prosecutions? Eighty year old madames are such a danger to society...

Octogenarian Nabbed in Prostitution Ring - Yahoo! News

Bush: "Secret prisons? What secret prisons?"

Things I learned from Bush Jr., #241: Never let the Constitution stand in the way of fighting "terorrism." Things I learner from Bush Jr., #357: Questioning how a war is being conducted is unpatriotic, so shut the hell up.

God help us all... - Rights group leader says U.S. has secret jails - Jun 5, 2005

The attacks on Prop 13 never stop.

Gotta love the OC Register - they publish the best articles on government waste and growth. I'm hot and cold on Steve Greenhut's columns, but he has a winner this week. This one's about the latest attack on Prop 13 (California's 1978 tax limitation initiative that drew a line in the sand on tax growth) from the public employee unions. Absolutely ridiculous. As the Governor said, we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Citizens do not exist merely to supply tax money. Split-roll property tax? Be very afraid.

Conservatives can criticize Bush too...

Here's one of the best critiques of Bush I've read, and it comes from the conservative side of the political spectrum. It's an article from the 2004 election cycle that appeared in The American Conservative. I don't always agree with the magazine's viewpoint (and certainly not with Pat Buchanan, one of the magazine's founders), but it has displayed a willingness to take on Bush's foreign policy that other conservative publications have lacked. Read why (in 2004) Kerry was the One.

In the beginning...

Well, I've finally done it. I've given in to the latest Internet fad and started my own blog. I thought it would be a good way to organize my thoughts and keep track of news articles and web sites that caught my eye.

Whether anyone else reads this site, who knows. But if you're reading this blog (and you're not me), then welcome. I hope to avoid the worst sin of all when it comes to the Web: being boring.