Monday, October 15, 2007

Various items

Alas, it has been a while since I last posted. I get bursts of posting momentum, and then sputter out. Oh well.

Anyway, I recently joined the Culver City Democratic Club. It's good to be getting together with other active Democrats, just like I did in college. The club has a newsletter that I plan to contribute to, and I will post any articles I write to this blog as well.

I also gave some money to the Chris Dodd presidential campaign. I know he does not have a chance to win the Democratic nomination, but at least he is talking about issues I care about (civil liberties, especially the repeal of the Military Commissions Act and protecting the FISA court from the Bush Administration's attempt to neuter it).

On a related note, I'm starting to thaw in my feelings toward Hillary Clinton. I still find her too calculating for my tastes, and her vote in favor of the Kyl-Lieberman amendment regarding Iran was inexusable, but she explains herself well in interviews and seems like she could respond to Republican attacks better than I thought she would. If I can start to like her, maybe she is not an unelectable as I had previously thought. Her campaign so far had been as close to flawless as is humanly possible.